Wednesday, September 06, 2006

This is just for starters. I dont know how faithful I will be, but I know one day I will be glad that I started this process.

Lamatations 3:21-23 says:

Yet this I call to mind, and there fore I have hope because of the Lords great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail! They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness.

This scripture is extra special to me in this season! After singing for years that "His mercy reigns.." and that ".. they are new every morning..." yesterday God reminded me just how His compassions wont fail us.
Have you ever been to a place where it seems that because of disobedience, stubborness, hardheadedness, etc.. that you will loose your 53rd and 54th chance? That God just might give up on you for whatever reason? My bible says he wont, but my feelings and mind reminded me just how low I was. I started listening to that tape recorder that told me that my failures and pity was going to cause my loving father to roll His eyes and say "forget it, I've given you a million chances to change..."
Oh praise God his compassions never fail!!! In my cries that He would not abandon me, He comforted me, brought me to a place of understanding and gave me the inner peace I needed.

I WILL trust Him. Trust means I know He will not abandon me, His word says so, and His word is above Him. I trust His words!
So after a moment of emotional drama, spilling how I really feel about different situations....being lost, trying to find my own peace... My Abba, picked me up, dusted me off, gave me wisdom and set me back on my feet with directions to my destination.

Hey.. I think I'm gonna like this blog thing after all :)

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