Monday, January 27, 2014

Missions Move Update

Sorry it has taken me so long to post an update!  Many things have been changing and I was important to wait for the right timing.

The wonderful couple that I felt called to serve in Swaziland have decided to return to the states for a period of time.  After talking with my church Pastors and prayer, I believe it is important to wait.
I have a burden to serve them as a family and want to take time to see what doors God will open.  Who knows what this year will hold, but as for now I want to stay in will of God.

You know at first, I thought maybe I heard wrong or misunderstood the call.  Then one of our Pastors did an incredible sermon about the Holy Spirit leading Jesus into the desert.  I felt such a calm peace and understanding.  2013 has been a desert in more ways than I can describe.  But I believe that God had purpose in leading me to dream again, press in for a future in His will, and do serious work in my heart and life.  I thank God we can trust Him with our lives and our hopes.  He is faithful, ever faithful :)

For those of you who attended a UFC fight fundraiser, bought a shirt, gave or prayed... first off, thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I do believe this is just the beginning.  Also, I will be planning a short term trip with the funds received and the shirts that I still have left to sell.  As of right now, I believe it will still be Swaziland.  HPC will be posting short term trips this coming weekend and I hope many of you will consider signing up!

I am blessed to be under the covering of such a fantastic church and amazing leadership.  I am blessed to have so many friends and so many years left to dream!  Love you all!!!