Thursday, July 30, 2009

The FruFru Female vs. The Emo Girl

Okay crazy title right? Here is the inspiration,

I was talking to a friend who shared about her unability to connect with women who love fluff, feathers, and glitter. (I personally love these things however I often find a disconnect myself)
We discussed how there is a genre of women who are gentle, meek and so well put together that it seems effortless. In some groups, there is visiting, praying, laughing and a light hearted spirit all around.

Now as this may not be an introspective view of these wonderful women's personalities... something hit me about faces I saw in my head......... they mostly all had two parent homes, a middle class lifestyle as children and maybe their emotional blows where encased in a strong family structure. <--this strong family structure being paramount on future development.

Now.. I picture the people who don't connect with the above mentioned. The more emotional or artistically expressive female. I can personally use myself as an example, although I do not sport tattoos or enjoy death metal (which is an extreme stereotype) I am akward, often uncomfortable and struggle with emotional fullfillment. I grew up in a single parent home, latch key kid at 7 years old and although I did not have siblings to help raise, I knew responsibility early. And although I had a fabulous parent that raised me in church, I knew extremely deep sorrow and emotion before I was 10 years old. Perhaps if my upbringing had been tougher I would have been into death metal, because I was seeped in depression and had suicidal thoughts all throughout my teens. ( I feel like there could be a whole study behind this :)

So.. the point... your family structure and the support system you had or didnt have shaped you in a way you may not have noticed.

To all the bueatiful women who have a deep sense of security and your drawn toward gentle (and sparkly) bueaty, God shaped you to soften the world when it gets to hard.

To all the women who knew responsibility young, struggled through your adolecence and now pause before a hug.... God shaped you to be strong when the world gets to soft.

We were intended to embrace each other and together we are the strongest expressions of Gods Beauty and Love!

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