Sunday, September 01, 2013

1000 People Partnering campaign!

WHAT???  1000 People???

Yes, 1000 people!

Okay I know this sounds a little crazy, but so is Gideon leading army of 350 men to battle the Midianites! (Judges 6 & 7)  I am believing God that in the next 5 months, through prayer, giving and fundraisers, 1000 people will get involved, invest and share in this journey!

What is the Journey?  Making a difference in Swaziland, Africa! (Hello :)

So to kick off this awesome launch - I want to tell you whats been going on.  So far 73 people have been involved in prayer commitments, giving, buying "All for Jesus" t-shirts and participating in fundraising events.

In the next month or so, there will not only be "All for Jesus" t-shirts for sale, but also black tank tops!  As soon as I get pics I will post them!  A few movie nights and fundraisers are mapped out.

In the weeks to come, I will have lots of information, letters and magnates to share.  Keep a look out for t-shirt updates and please consider praying and supporting me as this exciting season approaches!

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